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Previously offered CE classes

These are previous classes at Elements of Wellness. Most of our CE classes are offered once a year but if you see one below you're interested in please let us know and we can see when we can get it scheduled! Questions or more information please contact us at


Special Populations: Prenatal Massage – Jessy Appel                   16 CE hours

Sat June 22, 2024 (9-6) & Sun June 23, 2024 (9-6) $320.00

Learn to work with pregnant clients throughout all stages of pregnancy. This class will include positioning for prenatal clients throughout pregnancy, modalities and techniques that will benefit pregnant clients, and cautions. Students will learn a full body 1 hour massage routine for Pre-natal clients. 


Massage Therapy & CBD – Jessica Romanowski                           4 CE hours

Sun June 9, 2024  (9 AM – 1 PM) $110.00

If you have been interested in adding CBD to your bodywork practice but struggle to find legitimate information on its use, this class is for you. We will explore the usefulness of a plant extract known as cannabidiol, or CBD. With a focus on the topical application we will explore the cannabis sativa plant and its evolution, the chemistry of the compound, uses, effectiveness, successful purchasing suggestions, contraindications, and much more. Bring your questions and curiosities and let us familiarize ourselves with this unique plant medicine.


Lymphatic Facilitation – Jessica Appel                                         12 CE hours

Fri. Feb 23, 2024 (6-9) & Sat. Feb 24, 2024 (9 – 5) $290.00 

Learn an introduction into the gentle technique of Lymph Drainage Massage. This technique is a great tool for encouraging lymph and blood flow, reducing swelling/edema, and promoting healthy skin.


Pure-Wave Massager by Pado – Jessica Appel                          4  CE hours

Thursday Nov. 16, 2023 (5:30 – 9:30) $210.00 (includes massaging tool)

You may have seen or heard about the Pure-wave percussion massager by Pado. We have been working with this massager in our MTE programs and with our clients for years and would like to share the experience with you.  We will be using the CM7 model for this class and the massager is included with the price of the class.

 The powerful percussion head penetrates deep into the soft tissue to relieve pain and speed recovery.  The cordless design and adjustable power dial allows for optimal control over the unit depending on what area of the body we are working.  The CM7 model has a micro-vibration end that is great for face and scalp work. For more information please visit

We have found that by incorporating this tool into our work we are able to work quicker, apply deeper pressure with less discomfort, and be more effective for our clients while we give our hands a break.  This class will explore all 7 attachments, how and where they work best, and how to use this tool for great self-care. 


Massage Tools – Jessica Appel                                                   8 CE hours

Sat. Dec 2, 2023 (9-5) $160.00 (Students wishing to purchase a Pado Pure-wave massager will be charged an additional $125.00.)

This class will explore some the most poplar massage tools used today. We will have introductions and demonstration of various massage tools that so many massage therapist use in their practice. Items discussed will be the Pado Pure-wave massager, static cupping, Kinetic taping, and more… 


Intro to Eastern Theory & Bodywork – Vanessa Webb       8 CE hours

Sat August 19, 2023 (9-6) $190.00

Join us for an Introduction to Eastern Bodywork. This class is themed around the studies of the East. You will walk away with an understanding of how different the Eastern approach to bodywork and wellness differs from the West and how we can fold pieces of the East into our current practice. We’ll talk about meridians, the 5 elements, and anatomy and function. We will also learn ways to incorporate these ideas into our daily self-care routine. We’ll begin to put these theories into physical action with bodywork techniques. 


Chair Massage – Vanessa Webb                                           6 CE hours

Sun Sept 17, 2023 (9:30 – 3:00) $140.00

This class will talk about chair massage and how/why it’s used. We will cover how a professional massage chair works, set-up/take-down, where one might use chair massage, good body mechanics for chair massage, and chair massage massage techniques.


Deep Tissue series class – Vanessa Webb                        4 – 12 CE hours

Sat Sept 30, 2023 (9 – 1) $100.00 Neck Shoulders Arms

Sat Sept 30, 2023 (2 – 6) $100.00 Back

Sun Oct 1, 2023 (9 – 2) $110.00 Hips Gluts Legs

This series can be taken in part or in full for a discounted price is $240.00. Each class will discuss the muscle groups in the titled area and how to apply deep tissue massage to those muscles. There will be discusion on which “tools” to use, body mechanics, and anatomy of the area.


Myofacial Release (MFR) – Blanche Haley                      8 or 16 CE hours

Sat. Jan 14, 2023 (9 – 6) Core Release $175.00

Sun. Jan 15, 2023 (9 – 6) Extremities $175.00 

($320.00 if both classes are taken))

Tap into the center to find the cause of symptoms of pain and decreased function.

Day 1: MFR techniques working with the Torso. This class will address back, abdominal and scar release techniques that can address disorders such as lumbar disfunction, digestive difficulties, IBS, and more.

Day 2: MFR techniques working the limbs. This class will focus on the shoulder and hip as links to the myofascial system.


Reflexology – Jessica Appel                                                 14 CE hours

Sat. Nov 5, 2022 (9 – 5) Sun. Nov 6, 2022 (9 – 5) $280.00 

This class will teach techniques, a basic routine, and how to offer this modality as a stand-alone service or add it to another session.


Hands-on Usui Reiki 1&2 – Jessica Romanowski            12 CE hours

Sat June 4, 2022 (9-4) & Sun June 5, 2022 (9-4) $230.00

Reiki is an energy healing method involving placing the hands on or just above the body in order to align chakras and bring healing energy to areas of need. The practitioner is trained to access and serve as a channel for life energy, using a passive touch that clients experience as a warmth or presence.  Treatment strengthens the harmonic flow of energy within the body, returning the body to a state of balance.  Reiki can be used to heal both yourself and others.  Usui Reiki is the Reiki of Unconditional Love.   Two attunements, all Reiki hand positions, Reiki 2 symbols, and handbook are included.


Trigger Point Therapy                                                       16 CE hours

Sat & Sun January 22 & 23, 2022 (9am – 6pm) $275.00

This is a lecture and hands on class. We will learn what trigger points are, ways they form, and how they can radiate and affect other areas of the body. We will treat trigger points with a variety of techniques in different areas of the body – neck, arms, back, and legs.


Special Population: Geriatric Massage – Jessica Appel                 15 CE hours

Sat. 12/4/21 (9-5) & Sun 12/5/21(9 – 5) $260.00 ($230.00 if paid for two weeks prior)

Building comfort and techniques when working with this special population. This class will explore how massage can differ when working with the aging and special needs clients. This class will discuss their unique cautions and needs to give them the best and safest treatments. This class will teach positioning, bolstering, and safe body mechanics as well as how to involve family’s and other health care providers. A soft relaxing massage routine will be completed during this class.


NEW DEEP TISSUE SERIES! Treating problematic but avoided muscles/areas 

There are certain muscles in the body that many massage therapist avoid working on, either because they are uncomfortable working in that area or they think their clients don’t want them to work on that area. These muscle are the Abdominals, Psoas, Subscapularis, Pecs, and Gluteal muscles. It is very important that we learn to get comfortable working with these muscles and to educate our clients as to the importance of addressing these areas.


Abdominal Massage –                                                  6 CE hours

Saturday April 17, 2021 (9am – 4pm) $150.00

Working the abdominal muscles plays an important part in whole body care.  Learn to gently and effectively massage the abdomen for healthy benefit. 


Treating Sciatica and Piriformis Syndrome              8 CE hours

Sunday May 2, 2021 (9am – 6pm) $175.00

In this class we will discuss the similarities and differences between sciatica and piriformis syndrome. We will learn to treat specific muscles and perform simple stretches to help alleviate symptoms from both piriformis syndrome and sciatica.


Treating Chronic Foot Pain –                                            8 CE hours

Saturday May 15, 2021 (9am – 6pm) $175.00

The focus of this class will be on treating the lower leg and foot muscles. Foot conditions such as plantar fasciitis, tarsal tunnels syndrome, achilles tendonitis will be discussed and treated.

Shoulder –

Sat Jan. 23, 2021 (9:30 AM – 4:30 PM) $150                  6 CE hours

This class will focus on problematic but hard to work muscles of the shoulder. This class will focus on the subscapularis, pec, and serratus anterior muscles. 


Hip and Low Back –

Sunday Jan. 24, 2021 (9:30 AM – 4:30 PM)  $150          6 CE hours

This class will focus on problematic but hard to work muscles of the hip and the low back. These muscles often times cause hip discomfort including pain radiating up into the low back and down to the knees. This class will focus on lateral hip rotators including piriformis, gluteus muscles, tensor fascia latte, QL, Illiopsoas, and Oblique abdominal muscles. .


Intro to Eastern Theory & Bodywork – Sara Newberry                12 CE hours

Sat August 29, 2020 (9-4) & Sun. August 30, 2020 (9-4) $260.00 ($240.00 if paid two weeks in advance)

Join us for an Introduction to Asian Bodywork. This class is themed around the studies of the East. You will walk away with an understanding of how different the Eastern approach to bodywork and wellness differs from the West and how we can fold pieces of the East into our current practice. We’ll talk about meridians, the 5 elements, and anatomy and function. We will also learn ways to incorporate these ideas into our daily self-care routine. In the 2nd day bodywork course, we’ll begin to put these theories into physical action.


Deep Tissue: Conditions – Jessica Appel                                         6-30 CE hours

$130 for one class, $115.00 for more then one class, $550.00 for all 6 classes

Classes are on Mondays from 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM.  Each class will discuss the titled condition, the anatomy affected by the condition, and specific massage/bodywork techniques to help improve the condition. Students will learn through lecture, demo, and hands on practice.

June 1, 2020 – Planter Fasciitis

June 8, 2020 – Sciatica

June 15, 2020 – Bursitis of the Hip

June 22, 2020 – Fibromyalgia 

June 29, 2020 – Carpal Tunnel

July 6, 2020 – Whiplash


Deep Tissue (Difficult Muscles) – Jessica Appel                              8 CE hours

Sunday March 31, 2019 (9-5) $160.00

This class will focus on locating, working, and stretching difficult mm’s through out the body. Some of the muscles we will work with: Scalenes, Psoas, Adductors… There will be a review of the anatomy and the movement of these muscles.


Beyond Technique – Gail Cloud                                                      8 CE hours

Sun. Sept. 10th (9 – 6) $150.00 ($135.00 if paid 2 weeks before class date)

This course provides you with a system of silent understanding that shows you what clients are saying at a much deeper level through body and language cues.


Introduction to Cranial Sacral Therapy – Corirose Anjali             12 CE hours

Fri Nov. 30 (5:30 – 9:30) & Sat Dec. 1 (9 – 6) $260.00 ($240.00 if paid in full 2 weeks prior to class.)

An introduction to this light touch therapy that brings therapeutic work to the nervous system level for deep relaxation and release of stress and trauma.


MFR Abdominal Massage  – Lucinda Sohn Anjali                        3 CE hours

Sat Jan. 19, 2019 (9:00 – 12:00)  $65.00 

The abdomen is the center of our physical, mental and emotional universe.  Stress and tension held in this area manifests as a variety of disorders, some of which can become debilitating if not addressed.  Join us as we explore and practice a variety of tools to work the abdominal area. Benefits of abdominal work are far reaching in terms of general health:  Improve digestive function and address common digestive issues such as constipation and bloating.  Support the abdominal organs and increase immune function.  Relieve abdominal and menstrual pain.  Tone and strengthen abdominal musculature.  This work encourages relaxation and relieves physical and emotional stress and tension.


MFR Scar Release – Lucinda Sohn Anjali                                  3 CE hours

Sat Jan. 19, 2019 (1:00 – 4:00) $65.00

The body’s formation of scar tissue is an amazing demonstration of self-preservation.  However the resulting fibrous mass sets the stage for problems down the road.  Scar tissue lacks blood and lymph flow prohibiting adequate circulation as well as potentially causing nerve impingement, pain, numbness, decreased range of motion and flexibility, postural misalignments, muscle atrophy, tissue hypoxia and vulnerability to further injury.  Many medical professionals believe that scar tissue is the root of a majority of physical imbalances.  By addressing scar tissue early in its development, bodyworkers can help minimize any of the secondary scar tissue problems.  Scar release will be beneficial any time following initial epithelial tissue repair, even up to many years later. 


Special Population: Hospice Work                                           3 CE hours

Mon Sept. 30th, 2019 (6:00 – 9:00) $50.00

This class will discuss the differences in working with this special population. Students will learn some technique that is specific to this population and how our intention changes with our work. Working with hospice clients can be very emotional and this class will discuss strategies for maintaining emotional health for both the LMT and the client. 


MFR: Relief from Headache/Neck/TMJ – Lucinda Anjali              8 CE hours

Fri. Oct. 18th, 2019 (9 – 6) $170.00 ($150.00 if paid in full two weeks prior to class)

This class focuses on Myofacial Release techniques. Students will learn about the anatomy of the face, head, & neck and techniques to offer relief for common complaints in these areas. This class will focus on relieving headaches, TMJ disfunction, and common neck tension. 





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